Time Tables Round 1
11:00AM A1 - A5 Never Heard Of Em vs Legion Of Boom
11:00AM A6 - A10 New York Slaughter House vs Vicious Assault
11:00AM A11 - A15 Six Packs and Kegs vs Final Boss
11:00AM A16 - A20 NY4b vs Kickin' It Old School
11:00AM A21 - A25 Sj "sinister" vs NY who?
11:00AM A26 - A30 Garden State Fire vs Nepa Pong
11:00AM B41 - B45 oVArian pounders vs New Jersey War Machine
11:00AM B46 - B50 We're Still Here to Party vs Mega Powers
11:00AM B51 - B55 Maryland 4 Ever vs Garden State Warriors
11:00AM B56 - B60 Weapons of MASS Destruction vs Garden State DreamCrushers
11:30AM A1 - A5 The Schwaptastic Voyage vs Irish Hooligans
11:30AM A6 - A10 MD United vs BOOM SQUAD
11:30AM A11 - A15 The Notorious VA3 vs Super Splash Bros.
11:30AM A16 - A20 NY4 vs NY Pigeons
11:30AM A21 - A25 CMASS Retaliation vs inVAsion of the pong snatchers
11:30AM A26 - A30 One Last Cup vs International Empire
11:30AM B41 - B45 South Jersey's Underrated vs Cheat Codes
11:30AM B46 - B50 ShotDrop&Troll vs South Jersey Iron Men
11:30AM B51 - B55 New York Rapid Fire vs Keystone Killers
Time Tables Round 2
12:00PM A6 - A10 Never Heard Of Em vs Nepa Pong
12:00PM A11 - A15 NY who? vs New Jersey War Machine
12:00PM A16 - A20 Kickin' It Old School vs Mega Powers
12:00PM A21 - A25 Final Boss vs Garden State Warriors
12:00PM A26 - A30 Vicious Assault vs Garden State DreamCrushers
12:00PM B41 - B45 Legion Of Boom vs Irish Hooligans
12:00PM B46 - B50 New York Slaughter House vs BOOM SQUAD
12:00PM B51 - B55 Six Packs and Kegs vs Super Splash Bros.
12:00PM B56 - B60 NY4b vs NY Pigeons
12:00PM A1 - A5 Sj "sinister" vs inVAsion of the pong snatchers
12:30PM A6 - A10 Garden State Fire vs International Empire
12:30PM A11 - A15 oVArian pounders vs Cheat Codes
12:30PM A16 - A20 We're Still Here to Party vs South Jersey Iron Men
12:30PM A21 - A25 Maryland 4 Ever vs Keystone Killers
12:30PM A26 - A30 Weapons of MASS Destruction vs New York Rapid Fire
12:30PM B41 - B45 The Schwaptastic Voyage vs ShotDrop&Troll
12:30PM B46 - B50 MD United vs South Jersey's Underrated
12:30PM B51 - B55 The Notorious VA3 vs One Last Cup
12:30PM A1 - A5 NY4 vs CMASS Retaliation
Time Tables Round 3
1:00PM A11 - A15 Never Heard Of Em vs Irish Hooligans
1:00PM A16 - A20 Garden State DreamCrushers vs BOOM SQUAD
1:00PM A21 - A25 Garden State Warriors vs Super Splash Bros.
1:00PM A26 - A30 Mega Powers vs NY Pigeons
1:00PM B41 - B45 New Jersey War Machine vs inVAsion of the pong snatchers
1:00PM B46 - B50 Nepa Pong vs International Empire
1:00PM B51 - B55 NY who? vs Cheat Codes
1:00PM B56 - B60 Kickin' It Old School vs South Jersey Iron Men
1:00PM A1 - A5 Final Boss vs Keystone Killers
1:00PM A6 - A10 Vicious Assault vs New York Rapid Fire
1:30PM A11 - A15 Legion Of Boom vs ShotDrop&Troll
1:30PM A16 - A20 New York Slaughter House vs South Jersey's Underrated
1:30PM A21 - A25 Six Packs and Kegs vs One Last Cup
1:30PM A26 - A30 NY4b vs CMASS Retaliation
1:30PM B41 - B45 Sj "sinister" vs NY4
1:30PM B46 - B50 Garden State Fire vs The Notorious VA3
1:30PM B51 - B55 oVArian pounders vs MD United
1:30PM A1 - A5 We're Still Here to Party vs The Schwaptastic Voyage
1:30PM A6 - A10 Maryland 4 Ever vs Weapons of MASS Destruction
Time Tables Round 4
2:00PM A16 - A20 Never Heard Of Em vs International Empire
2:00PM A21 - A25 inVAsion of the pong snatchers vs Cheat Codes
2:00PM A26 - A30 NY Pigeons vs South Jersey Iron Men
2:00PM B41 - B45 Super Splash Bros. vs Keystone Killers
2:00PM B46 - B50 BOOM SQUAD vs New York Rapid Fire
2:00PM B51 - B55 Irish Hooligans vs ShotDrop&Troll
2:00PM B56 - B60 Garden State DreamCrushers vs South Jersey's Underrated
2:00PM A1 - A5 Garden State Warriors vs One Last Cup
2:00PM A6 - A10 Mega Powers vs CMASS Retaliation
2:00PM A11 - A15 New Jersey War Machine vs NY4
2:30PM A16 - A20 Nepa Pong vs The Notorious VA3
2:30PM A21 - A25 NY who? vs MD United
2:30PM A26 - A30 Kickin' It Old School vs The Schwaptastic Voyage
2:30PM B41 - B45 Final Boss vs Weapons of MASS Destruction
2:30PM B46 - B50 Vicious Assault vs Maryland 4 Ever
2:30PM B51 - B55 Legion Of Boom vs We're Still Here to Party
2:30PM A1 - A5 New York Slaughter House vs oVArian pounders
2:30PM A6 - A10 Six Packs and Kegs vs Garden State Fire
2:30PM A11 - A15 NY4b vs Sj "sinister"
Time Tables Round 5
3:00PM A21 - A25 Never Heard Of Em vs ShotDrop&Troll
3:00PM A26 - A30 New York Rapid Fire vs South Jersey's Underrated
3:00PM B41 - B45 Keystone Killers vs One Last Cup
3:00PM B46 - B50 South Jersey Iron Men vs CMASS Retaliation
3:00PM B51 - B55 Cheat Codes vs NY4
3:00PM B56 - B60 International Empire vs The Notorious VA3
3:00PM A1 - A5 inVAsion of the pong snatchers vs MD United
3:00PM A6 - A10 NY Pigeons vs The Schwaptastic Voyage
3:00PM A11 - A15 Super Splash Bros. vs Weapons of MASS Destruction
3:00PM A16 - A20 BOOM SQUAD vs Maryland 4 Ever
3:30PM A21 - A25 Irish Hooligans vs We're Still Here to Party
3:30PM A26 - A30 Garden State DreamCrushers vs oVArian pounders
3:30PM B41 - B45 Garden State Warriors vs Garden State Fire
3:30PM B46 - B50 Mega Powers vs Sj "sinister"
3:30PM B51 - B55 New Jersey War Machine vs NY4b
3:30PM A1 - A5 Nepa Pong vs Six Packs and Kegs
3:30PM A6 - A10 NY who? vs New York Slaughter House
3:30PM A11 - A15 Kickin' It Old School vs Legion Of Boom
3:30PM A16 - A20 Final Boss vs Vicious Assault
Time Tables Round 6
4:00PM A26 - A30 Never Heard Of Em vs The Notorious VA3
4:00PM B41 - B45 NY4 vs MD United
4:00PM B46 - B50 CMASS Retaliation vs The Schwaptastic Voyage
4:00PM B51 - B55 One Last Cup vs Weapons of MASS Destruction
4:00PM B56 - B60 South Jersey's Underrated vs Maryland 4 Ever
4:00PM A1 - A5 ShotDrop&Troll vs We're Still Here to Party
4:00PM A6 - A10 New York Rapid Fire vs oVArian pounders
4:00PM A11 - A15 Keystone Killers vs Garden State Fire
4:00PM A16 - A20 South Jersey Iron Men vs Sj "sinister"
4:00PM A21 - A25 Cheat Codes vs NY4b
4:30PM A26 - A30 International Empire vs Six Packs and Kegs
4:30PM B41 - B45 inVAsion of the pong snatchers vs New York Slaughter House
4:30PM B46 - B50 NY Pigeons vs Legion Of Boom
4:30PM B51 - B55 Super Splash Bros. vs Vicious Assault
4:30PM A1 - A5 BOOM SQUAD vs Final Boss
4:30PM A6 - A10 Irish Hooligans vs Kickin' It Old School
4:30PM A11 - A15 Garden State DreamCrushers vs NY who?
4:30PM A16 - A20 Garden State Warriors vs Nepa Pong
4:30PM A21 - A25 Mega Powers vs New Jersey War Machine
Time Tables Round 7
5:00PM B41 - B45 Never Heard Of Em vs We're Still Here to Party
5:00PM B46 - B50 Maryland 4 Ever vs oVArian pounders
5:00PM B51 - B55 Weapons of MASS Destruction vs Garden State Fire
5:00PM B56 - B60 The Schwaptastic Voyage vs Sj "sinister"
5:00PM A1 - A5 MD United vs NY4b
5:00PM A6 - A10 The Notorious VA3 vs Six Packs and Kegs
5:00PM A11 - A15 NY4 vs New York Slaughter House
5:00PM A16 - A20 CMASS Retaliation vs Legion Of Boom
5:00PM A21 - A25 One Last Cup vs Vicious Assault
5:00PM A26 - A30 South Jersey's Underrated vs Final Boss
5:30PM B41 - B45 ShotDrop&Troll vs Kickin' It Old School
5:30PM B46 - B50 New York Rapid Fire vs NY who?
5:30PM B51 - B55 Keystone Killers vs Nepa Pong
5:30PM A1 - A5 South Jersey Iron Men vs New Jersey War Machine
5:30PM A6 - A10 Cheat Codes vs Mega Powers
5:30PM A11 - A15 International Empire vs Garden State Warriors
5:30PM A16 - A20 inVAsion of the pong snatchers vs Garden State DreamCrushers
5:30PM A21 - A25 NY Pigeons vs Irish Hooligans
5:30PM A26 - A30 Super Splash Bros. vs BOOM SQUAD